Heart chakra|4th chakra
- sanksrit name: Anahata (unstruck)
- mantra: be open
- symbol: Lotus with 12 green petals. Within it are 2 intersecting triangles, forming a star.
- color: primarily green, but pink is also used
- location: center of chest behind the sternum
- corresponding hormonal gland: thymus
- associated anatomy: heart, lungs, immune system, lymph system (circulatory system= cardiovascular system + lymph system)
- characteristics: unity, brotherhood/sisterhood, love, peace, purity, innocence
- heart chakra life issues: allowing love be the center of your life, following your heart’s desires, learning to love yourself 1st, then others, learning to forgive, being open to receive
- affected by: relationships with significant others, family, friends, co-workers, acquaintances, & strangers, love, forgiveness or unforgiveness, intuition
- physical activities: yoga, dancing, cardiovascular exercise (such as walking, running, hiking, jumping), anything you love
- spiritual activities: learning to love yourself 1st, then others, prayer, singing, healing, pursing anything that you’re passionate about, learning forgiveness
- musical note: F
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