“brow chakra”,”intuitive center”, “consciousness center”, “seat of oneness”
- sanksrit name: ajna (to perceive, to know)
- mantra: be intuitive
- symbol: violet lotus with 2 petals
- color: indigo blue or violet
- location: between the eyebrows
- corresponding hormonal gland: pituitary gland
- associated anatomy: brain, eyes, ears, nose, sinuses, pineal gland
- characteristics: wisdom, imagination, intuition, knowledge
- third eye chakra life issues: ability to focus your intelligence, to know who & what contribute to your highest good & greatest joy, to distill wisdom from your life experience (both good & difficult), choose health, joy, life, & fulfillment in every aspect of your life
- affected by: the past, present, & future, beliefs about spirits/angels
- physical activities: yoga, tai chi, qi going
- spiritual activities: thinking clearly about your life, reading or viewing uplifting & positive books & material, reflection, contemplation, meditation, creative use of your imagination
- musical note: A