1,3,5 goal setting challenge!

“A goal inspires you to create what does not already exist. Your goals should excite & even scare you” -lululemon

When I was at the Univeristy of Illinois, I mentored students for a research project called Project Peer. This integrated project, consisting of research & education, delivered an intervention on nutrition & physical activity behaviors and weight management success in female college freshman. The project was based in self-efficacy (the belief that one is capable of performing in a certain manner to attain certain goals), thus goal-setting was a huge component of that. Now, I have the pleasure of being a part of Lululemon’s (yoga apparel + lifestyle company) research & development team. The greatest part about lululemon (besides their outrageously comfortable, beyond well-made, & absolutely bah.nana clothes) is that goal setting is a huge part of the lululemon culture & philosophy.

With my background, you’d assume I sit at home pounding out powerful & meaningful goals for days on end. Even though I have goal-setting philosophy engrained deep into my brain, I STILL need constant reminders to use these tools. When we’re running on auto-pilot it’s so easy to forget that we are the cause & creator of that “ideal” life we want.

I was spending the holidays in Chicago & got to catch up with my old roommate, who I affectionally call muhrrradith. We got to reminisce about the past, catch up on the current events in our lives, & explore the possibilities of where the future will take us. Our talk about what was to come was scary, exciting, but mostly INSPIRING. With this we both took on the challenge to come up with 1,3, & 5 year goals for ourselves. Having a general idea of what we wanted contained in our head was not good enough either! We wrote them, said them outloud, & posted them. Here’s what she had to say about the experience, “I know this sounds strange, but I’ve never really seriously thought about where I want to be 1, 3 or 5 yrs from now. I mean I’ve had a few ideas…. but I never actually wrote them down. It was so liberating to do that!” Amen to that sister. Such a powerful thing, but so easily disregarded. With good reason…it’s daunting! But with new year’s resolutions buzzin about it’s a perfect time to sit down & take on the 1,3,5 challenge. New Year, New You…were no longer telling our dreams we’ll meet up with them later were hollering at them NOW! Manifesting straight from the heart & attracting it into our daily lives. Real talk.

Here’s your personal invite to join us in the 1,3,5 Challenge!

  • WHAT? setting, writing, voicing, & posting a HEALTH, CAREER, & PERSONAL goal for 1 year from now, 3 years from now, & 5 years from now.
  • WHY? It’s time to be real. It’s time to focus on & attract what your heart truly desires!
  • HOW? Goals must be:
  • Short! 15 words or less
  • Measuarable! You have to be able to track your progress during the journey
  • Affirmaing! Start with I or I am AND stay in the present tense (NO I will do this or that). It makes your goals more powerful!
  • Real! Nothing vague! Make them real, specific, & raw- straight from your heart.
  • Time-Oriented! A date when you will achieve your goal by- holds you accountable!

Click the following link to download ar-yoga’s goal setting template! aryoga135goalsettingsheet

  • THEN WHAT? you wrote them, now say them OUTLOUD, & post them somewhere visible. Everytime you see them, meditate on them-simply bring yourself into the present moment & focus on attracting those goals into your life!

If you want to further explore ways to make your goal setting more powerful check out the G.I.V.E meditation: A way to G.I.V.E yourself the gift of manifesting your dreams & desires.

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