ar-yoga’s 1,3,5 goals are SET!

part of the 1,3,5 challenge is VOICING & SHARING the goals you set!! Here are mine! read more about the 1,3,5 challenge on the previous blog post!

name:___­ar___ date: 1.2.11

“Goal setting should be easy. It should integrate into your life with minimal effort. I really believe that the strongest goal setters are the ones that make goal setting a priority 365 days a year”
– carolyn, Digital Innovation Manager @ lululemon

Click the following link to download ar-yoga’s goal setting template!!

take on the 1,3,5 challenge by filling it out & printing it out!


This entry was posted in goals.

1,3,5 goal setting challenge!

“A goal inspires you to create what does not already exist. Your goals should excite & even scare you” -lululemon

When I was at the Univeristy of Illinois, I mentored students for a research project called Project Peer. This integrated project, consisting of research & education, delivered an intervention on nutrition & physical activity behaviors and weight management success in female college freshman. The project was based in self-efficacy (the belief that one is capable of performing in a certain manner to attain certain goals), thus goal-setting was a huge component of that. Now, I have the pleasure of being a part of Lululemon’s (yoga apparel + lifestyle company) research & development team. The greatest part about lululemon (besides their outrageously comfortable, beyond well-made, & absolutely bah.nana clothes) is that goal setting is a huge part of the lululemon culture & philosophy.

With my background, you’d assume I sit at home pounding out powerful & meaningful goals for days on end. Even though I have goal-setting philosophy engrained deep into my brain, I STILL need constant reminders to use these tools. When we’re running on auto-pilot it’s so easy to forget that we are the cause & creator of that “ideal” life we want.

I was spending the holidays in Chicago & got to catch up with my old roommate, who I affectionally call muhrrradith. We got to reminisce about the past, catch up on the current events in our lives, & explore the possibilities of where the future will take us. Our talk about what was to come was scary, exciting, but mostly INSPIRING. With this we both took on the challenge to come up with 1,3, & 5 year goals for ourselves. Having a general idea of what we wanted contained in our head was not good enough either! We wrote them, said them outloud, & posted them. Here’s what she had to say about the experience, “I know this sounds strange, but I’ve never really seriously thought about where I want to be 1, 3 or 5 yrs from now. I mean I’ve had a few ideas…. but I never actually wrote them down. It was so liberating to do that!” Amen to that sister. Such a powerful thing, but so easily disregarded. With good reason…it’s daunting! But with new year’s resolutions buzzin about it’s a perfect time to sit down & take on the 1,3,5 challenge. New Year, New You…were no longer telling our dreams we’ll meet up with them later were hollering at them NOW! Manifesting straight from the heart & attracting it into our daily lives. Real talk.

Here’s your personal invite to join us in the 1,3,5 Challenge!

  • WHAT? setting, writing, voicing, & posting a HEALTH, CAREER, & PERSONAL goal for 1 year from now, 3 years from now, & 5 years from now.
  • WHY? It’s time to be real. It’s time to focus on & attract what your heart truly desires!
  • HOW? Goals must be:
  • Short! 15 words or less
  • Measuarable! You have to be able to track your progress during the journey
  • Affirmaing! Start with I or I am AND stay in the present tense (NO I will do this or that). It makes your goals more powerful!
  • Real! Nothing vague! Make them real, specific, & raw- straight from your heart.
  • Time-Oriented! A date when you will achieve your goal by- holds you accountable!

Click the following link to download ar-yoga’s goal setting template! aryoga135goalsettingsheet

  • THEN WHAT? you wrote them, now say them OUTLOUD, & post them somewhere visible. Everytime you see them, meditate on them-simply bring yourself into the present moment & focus on attracting those goals into your life!

If you want to further explore ways to make your goal setting more powerful check out the G.I.V.E meditation: A way to G.I.V.E yourself the gift of manifesting your dreams & desires.

This entry was posted in goals.

G.I.V.E myself the gift of manifesting my dreams & desires

To kick off the year right, 5 of my ahh.mazing friends & I circus packed the car & headed to weekly meditation class at the Ruby Room in downtown Chicago (love, love, love this place!). In this very non-intimating setting we were guided into our meditation. We were all bonded in the thought of coming back to ourselves & painting a picture of our heart’s true desires. A simple concept, but an incredibly dope thing to do on a regular basis, especially in the new year.

The new year brings in energy that’s fresh & exciting. There’s hope & enthusiasm generated around new ideas & goals. Let’s capitalize on this energy by setting meaningful goals, supporting them with consistent intention, & actually acting upon them! Intention + action are what bring your goals to life.

In order to set my plans into motion this year I came up with the acronym G.I.V.E- which is fitting because it reminds me to G.I.V.E myself the gift of manifesting my dreams & desires :) Check out the focus page to see how to incorporate the G.I.V.E meditation into achieving your goals this year.

what are chakras?

“I was in yoga the other day. I was in full lotus position. My chakras were all aligned. My mind is cleared of all clatter & I’m looking out of my third eye and everything that I’m supposed to be doing. It’s amazing what comes up, when you sit in that silence.” -Ellen DeGeneres

Gotta love Ellen! If you’re wondering what chakras are, check out the recently updated chakra page under the feel section!

1.1.11 ar-yoga launch

On 1.1.11 @ 1:11 officially launches :) With a little loss of sleep & a lot of help from good people it has finally come to life! Woohoo!

The launch date & time are significant because in numerology, the number 1 represents independence, adventure, & new beginnings! In 2011 I intend to embody the characteristics of the number 1, which include being: confident, creative, & a feisty go getter who finds great joy & gratification in taking on new adventures. Energetically, the number 1 brings constant motion & movement. To me this represents having the momentum to keep my plans moving forward. The start day + time equal 7. 7 represents being a seeker of truth & an accumulator of knowledge & wisdom, all characteristics which also describe ar-yoga.

Creating this website/blog from the ground up has been equally amazing as it has been frustrating. I’m incredibly grateful to be surrounded by supportive family & friends who encourage me to pursue the things I’m passionate about. gives me an opportunity to unite & connect through all things that bring me joy. 2010 has allowed me to heal & grow. 2011 will allow me to continue expressing my Truth.

I have to shout out to a few people who made this happen: Mateo Schmiteo, who enthusiastically encouraged me to take the idea of starting a blog & run with it. Harry, who serves as my best friend, creative director, & brother. Ciav, who codes like it’s his job (probably because it is) & was able to provide me with the skill set to start coding & zipping like it’s MY job. I send my gratitude & love out to y’all all day everyday!…. & to all the living, breathing beings that inspire me on a daily basis…thank you!

May you all enter the new year in balance, in health, & in happiness :)
xo ar

fresh content for 2011 launch.

My goal for the 1.1.11 launch was to be able to give you a taste of what’s focus would be by uploading content under each of the following categories. enjoy :)

fresh- a stream of the latest content & thoughts
fotos- capturing life through my eyes
flow- moving & grovin on the yoga mat
food- insights & recipes
focus- making meditation accessible
feel- feeling & connecting with all the energy that swirls about us on a daily basis
fitness- ways to get a daily hit of endorphins through exercise